
物理系列报告:(Inverse) Magnetic Catalysis in Bose-Einstein Condensation of BCS Pairs


报告人: 冯 波 副教授





2000-2004年 华中师范大学 本科

2004-2009年 华中师范大学 博士

2009-2012 University of Texas at El Paso 博士后

2012年至今 华中科技大学 副教授

摘要:据估计, 在非对心的重粒子对撞实验中可以产生高达10^{18-20}高斯的磁场. 如此高强度的磁场对强相互作用的动力学有显著的影响,比如强相互作用中自发破缺的手征对称性.理论研究表明,磁场对手征对称性自发破缺的序参量——夸克与反夸克对的凝聚有"催化"作用,即凝聚的强度随着磁场的增加而增加.但最近的格点计算却预言了不一样的结果——反磁催化效应. 研究反磁催化产生的物理机制是近年来理论研究的热点问题.该报告将简要介绍研究强相互作用的理论和实验手段,强相互作用中手征对称性的自发破缺以及()磁催化效应.最后将介绍作者在该领域的相关研究工作.

英文摘要:Strongly interacting matter in a magnetic field is under intensive study in both theory and experiment in recent decades. It is expected that magnetic fields up to 10^{14-16}T are generated in non-central heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC) or the Large Hadron Collider(LHC). Such a strong magnetic field would have a significant effect to the dynamics of strong interaction, especially to the order parameter of chiral symmetry breaking of strong interaction---chiral condensate. It had been proved many years ago that the magnetic field plays a role as "catalysis" to the chiral symmetry breaking, for which the chiral condensate would increase as increasing magnetic field. The recent lattice calculation, however, shows apparent conflict results against the magnetic catalysis. In this talk, I will briefly review the chiral symmetry and its breaking in strong interaction as well as the response of strong interaction to a magnetic field. The attention will be focused on magnetic catalysis and the lattice results. Finally, I will show our recent work about the BE condensation of Cooper pairs in a magnetic field. We found that the condensation temperature exhibits (inverse) magnetic catalysis depending on the coupling strength. The specific results and its explaination would be presented at the end.
